PDC Fragility Profile

Looking beyond natural hazards to achieve a broader understanding of national fragility.

PDC has expanded the approach to our risk and vulnerability analysis to include a more diverse conceptualization of destabilizing events that place communities at risk. An initial application of the analysis was piloted in 2020, focused on Asia Pacific. Our fragility data and analysis findings are available at disasteraware.pdc.org.


PDC’s Fragility Profile is an in-depth analysis focused on Asia Pacific which provides new insight into the ability of countries to withstand destabilizing shocks. Using a multi-dimensional approach, the analysis identifies key drivers of fragility to guide strategic investment. An expanded annual fragility profile will be available beginning in 2022.

Analysis Methodology

The PDC Fragility Profile uses a multi-dimensional approach—focusing attention on three core component areas with multiple indices and subcomponents. This model of analysis helps isolate what contributes most to a nation’s fragility.

Results Snapshot

The following slides provide a brief snapshot of our in-depth fragility analysis.

Myanmar Analysis Results

Myanmar Analysis Results

Results Summary

PDC’s regional and national-level analysis of fragility produced recommendations for the region as a whole, as well as the most fragile nations.

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