Peru National Disaster Preparedness Baseline Assessment project mid-term Knowledge Exchange

PDC, with support and funding from the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), is conducting a National Disaster Preparedness Baseline Assessment (NDPBA) Project in Peru. This activity in Peru is part of a larger, regional effort designed to develop, implement, and conduct national and sub-national assessments focused on risk and vulnerability identification and existing disaster management capacities. […]
July 25, 2014

PDC, with support and funding from the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), is conducting a National Disaster Preparedness Baseline Assessment (NDPBA) Project in Peru. This activity in Peru is part of a larger, regional effort designed to develop, implement, and conduct national and sub-national assessments focused on risk and vulnerability identification and existing disaster management capacities. PDC and its partners in Peru marked a milestone when they held the Disaster Management Knowledge Exchange (KE) and Midterm Meeting in Lima on July 15 and 16, respectively. The two events were designed to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to engage in discussions of disaster management and risk reduction and to participate in formalized surveys to help evaluate current levels of capacity and capability.

The KE was a collaborative effort, hosted by the Peruvian branch of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and Peru’s National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI). The KE was attended by representatives of Peru’s Counsel of Ministers; National Center for Estimates, Prevention, and Disaster Risk Reduction (CENEPRED); the Armed Forces; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Mining and Industry; the U.S. Embassy, USSOUTHCOM; and various nongovernmental organizations.

As a sign of commitment to the project and to show support for this critical activity, participants each signed the Disaster Management Knowledge Exchange event posters. The posters are on display at INDECI headquarters and serve as a reminder to the importance of the work.

The NDPBA Midterm Meeting, like the Knowledge Exchange before it, was hosted by UN OCHA and INDECI. The Meeting brought together more than 30 directors and division head-level participants from disaster management agencies. Participants received a status report and update on Baseline Assessment project activities. Demonstrations were presented on accessing and applying already collected data related to risk and vulnerability and disaster management capacity, using PDC’s DisasterAWARE platform. As they became familiar with the current state of the project, recommendations on additional data that could strengthen NDPBA results were offered by participants. General (retired) Alfredo Murgueytio Espinoza attended as the senior Peruvian government official and partner for the Midterm Meeting.

Regarding the two events, PDC Director of Disaster Services Dr. Erin Hughey stated that, “The advances that were made over the course of these events should not be understated. A wealth of experience and information was gathered, and more—important—shared. All of the data and feedback gathered through this event will be integrated into DisasterAWARE and made available to all partners and stakeholders to help support disaster risk reduction in the country.”

PDC will be busy for the remainder of the project working at the sub-national level, gathering critical data and working with disaster managers to better understand both the challenges and the unique successes experienced at the local level.

For more information on the event or NDBPA activities:
• Take a look at an INDECI press release, or
• Learn about recent bilateral agreements.

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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