Geospatial database manager reelected to State GIS Council Board

Pacific Disaster Center’s (PDC) Geospatial Database Manager Richard Nezelek, who was seated on the Hawaii Geospatial Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) board of directors in 2011, was reelected for a second two-year term at the 2013 annual meeting on June 26 in Honolulu. HIGICC is a private nonprofit organization of GIS professionals and students from federal, […]

Pacific Disaster Center’s (PDC) Geospatial Database Manager Richard Nezelek, who was seated on the Hawaii Geospatial Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) board of directors in 2011, was reelected for a second two-year term at the 2013 annual meeting on June 26 in Honolulu.

HIGICC is a private nonprofit organization of GIS professionals and students from federal, state, county, education, and private sectors of Hawaii. The Council’s goal is to provide coordination of activities among a wide range of GIS users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state.

The Council and its board, including Nezelek, are improving the quality and overall value of geographic information that reaches citizens and decision makers by facilitating the use, development, sharing, management, and communication of geographic data.

Senior GIS Analyst Lara Payne was also in attendance at the annual meeting when Nezelek shared a presentation about PDC’s ongoing Hawaii GIS Backup-and-Collocation Project. The planned result of the project is a data portal for Hawaii’s GIS professionals that will improve available web services and overall efficiency in the development and use of the geospatial information.

The HIGICC board meets every other month in Honolulu to organize and sponsor community and school events that promote and advance the use of GIS and related tools for a wide range of applications. PDC has been an active member of HIGICC for more than 10 years.

To learn more about HIGICC’s accomplishments:
• Visit their website and read about their events, and
• Read about PDC’s recognition by Geospatial Professionals.

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