News Archives
ASEAN builds regional capacity using science and technology for risk assessment
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) organizes capacity building forum on risk assessment to improve disaster management. In Bangkok, March 19-22, the ASEAN...
PRiMO meeting exemplifies collaboration and partnership on disaster resilience
The Pacific Risk Management Ohana (PRiMO) focuses on promoting disaster resilience by preparing communities throughout the region for future disasters. After a week...
2013 Santa Cruz tsunami highlights the need for rapid onset tsunami awareness
Coastal populations everywhere are at risk from tsunami waves that can strike quickly with little warning. On February 06, 2013 an 8.0-magnitude undersea earthquake...
The Kingdom of Tonga post-tsunami reconstruction project
The South Pacific island nation plans and prepares for future hazards with technical assistance from PDC. The Kingdom of Tonga is a nation made up of more than 170...
NOAA Sea Grant Coastal Storms Program funds PDC Project in the Federated States of Micronesia
Pacific Disaster Center will work with local and regional partners to support disaster risk reduction for more than 100,000 Western Pacific islanders in FSM. On January...
Disaster monitoring and response system to serve 10 ASEAN nations
With funding from USAID, PDC developed a custom DisasterAWARE decision support platform for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. ASEAN, the Association of...
PDC Efforts “Translate” to Multinational Presence
Conducting projects to provide technical assistance in disaster management to foreign governments for more than a decade. Here, Indonesia’s national disaster...
USAID Supports PDC’s Flood Early Warning Project in Vietnam
An important flood early warning project in Vietnam moves into Phase II, aiming to increase the capacity of local disaster managers to save lives and livelihoods in the...
Vietnam Disaster Management Center Director Visits PDC
PDC has undertaken many projects to assist Vietnam with the enhancement of its capacity for disaster management. This visit sets the stage for more and closer cooperation...
Pacific Disaster Center on Discovery Channel
PDC's Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) efforts were captured by the Profile Series documentary television crew onsite at PDC headquarters in Maui. The Center's...