In less than a month, Indonesia was hit with flash floods and a deadly earthquake—and InAWARE was there to help

Flooding and landslides in Luwu in early October 2021 were followed by a M4.8 earthquake in Bali less than two weeks later. For the national government of Indonesia, responding to complex and concurrent disasters such as this is not an uncommon scenario. Disaster managers need critical, life-saving information to aid rapid response during large-scale hazards […]
January 20, 2022

Flooding and landslides in Luwu in early October 2021 were followed by a M4.8 earthquake in Bali less than two weeks later. For the national government of Indonesia, responding to complex and concurrent disasters such as this is not an uncommon scenario. Disaster managers need critical, life-saving information to aid rapid response during large-scale hazards that present potentially devastating impacts. That is why they rely on InAWARE, a customized version of PDC’s powerful DisasterAWARE platform that is used by Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Organization (NDMO) to monitor and respond to hazard events. InAWARE helps decision makers answer key questions like: What happened? Where did it happen? How bad is it? What actions need to be taken?

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

A snazzy photo caption here.

Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

A snazzy photo caption here.

Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

A snazzy photo caption here.

Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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