Importance of risk intelligence highlighted by PDC during launch of DisasterAWARE Enterprise with Kaazing

Following 18 months of strategic partnering discussions between Kaazing and University of Hawai‘i, managing partner of Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), DisasterAWARE Enterprise was launched on April 10, 2018, at the Tech Science Museum in San Jose, California. The launch of the new platform comes on the heels of one of the worst recorded seasons for […]
May 15, 2018

Following 18 months of strategic partnering discussions between Kaazing and University of Hawai‘i, managing partner of Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), DisasterAWARE Enterprise was launched on April 10, 2018, at the Tech Science Museum in San Jose, California. The launch of the new platform comes on the heels of one of the worst recorded seasons for Atlantic hurricanes, severe wildfires that ravaged the State of California, and record losses upwards of $300 billion in 2017 for the United States alone. The new enterprise-grade Software as a Service (SaaS), DisasterAWARE Enterprise, leverages Kaazing technology to extend PDC’s life-saving technology, DisasterAWARE, to businesses worldwide.

As a research center under the University of Hawai‘i, PDC provides one of the most powerful platforms to aid disaster preparedness, response, humanitarian relief, and risk reduction for the world’s most demanding government customers. According to Ray Shirkhodai, “With the help of Kaazing, our important work has now been extended to benefit businesses on a global scale and to help executives incorporate risk intelligence into their decision-making processes.” DisasterAWARE Enterprise can now be accessed through Kaazing by signing up for a 30-day free trial at

Read more about DisasterAWARE Enterprise visit:

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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Photograph by Lorem Ipsum via Unsplash

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